We moved to One Price thirty days before transitioning to One Person℠ Selling using the A2Z platform. Training started 60 days before the launch. Management presented the new sales process, sales staff responsibilities, and new pay plans many times to the sales team.
In 2017, Robert Nelson and his team at Nelson Auto Group were in search of a more efficient consumer-centric model. They were looking for a top-to-bottom strategy. A strategy that would improve both the customer and employee experience, while also growing the dealership. A trip to Denver, Colorado changed their business.
After management acquired the Subaru dealership, they went to work. In the first year, they reset the store’s business model to produce a higher front-end gross with healthy and balanced back-end PVR. One Price was installed first, with One Person™ Selling coming after 60 days.
Connect with an expert at A2Z for a discovery call to see the technology and process to transact on a centralized platform.
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